D9Sports.com and EYT Media are doing a series of player profiles on returning high-school athletes this summer. The year in school listed by the athlete is the year the athlete is entering this fall.
Daughter of: John and Susan Huegel
Sports Played: Softball, Track & Field; Also played volleyball and ran cross country during her high school career.
2016-17 Highlights: Huegel hit .465 with nine RBIs while helping Cranberry to a second-place finish in District 9 Class 2A softball this past season. The starting centerfielder for the Berries, Huegel was a first-team All-KSAC performer in 2017.
Post-High School Goals: Jenna plans on attending college to major in either biology or political science. She is interested in playing college softball.
Q&A With Jenna Huegel
D9Sports: What is your favorite sport to participate in?
JH: Softball
D9: What is your favorite memory, moment, game from playing high school sports?
JH: To start off, I always get underestimated due to my petite size. The defense always moves up, that’s why the best thing to do is blow it over their heads! So my favorite memory is the game at Clarion when I hit my first grand slam!
D9: Why do you play high school sports?
JH: I’m a competitive person who loves sports and the friendships/memories they create. Always love having something to do.
D9: Is there a high school player on your team or another team that you enjoy watching play? If so, why?
JH: The Shreck girls. Kendra always is so helpful to myself and especially to my batting she always gives me tips and shows me how I can improve or what I am doing wrong. Malliah is just the most hardworking girl on any team who plays her heart out every game. Carley is a bundle of fun who can always help keep my spirit up which helps me to play better and never get down.
D9: When not playing sports I would rather (pick one) – Go to work, play video games, shop, hang out with friends, play pickup sports, go the movies
JH: Definitely be with friends doing various activities such as shopping, nature hikes or just hanging out.
D9: If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
JH: Hawaii. I would like to go to Hawaii to experience all the beautiful scenery I see in pictures. I really enjoy beaches and tropical places. I would love to just explore every Island of Hawaii and learn about the history and customs.
D9: Who has had the most influence on you as a person?
JH: My Grandma, Doris. Who is an absolute wise, beautiful, and successful woman! She has taught me to be a classy young lady while valuing the beauty of intelligence and the competitive drive that will push me to be my best in all situations.
D9: What do you like most about growing up in your hometown?
JH: The “small town” feel where everyone is like neighbors. I personally live in a very beautiful area with lots of scenery and privacy which I like.
D9: What do you wish you could change about growing up in your hometown?I really wish there was more to do/see around here!
D9: What question do you wish I would have asked you? And what is the answer to it?
JH: Q. Who has helped me along the way in my softball career? A. The first person to be mentioned here is my travel ball coach since I was 12, Gab Garmong. He is definitely my No. 1 supporter through this sport and has encouraged me to grow and push harder throughout the years. He really believes in me which helps me believe in myself. Gab is the one coach I am never nervous about messing up around because he is very understanding and forgiving. He’s basically my second father. Next, is my high school coach from ninth and 10th grade, Coach Bean. Bean really pushed us girls hard, but that’s what we needed to take us to the next level and he really set the foundation for the strong cranberry softball team. Also, this year’s high school coaches Glenn Barcinas and Rod Scheffer helped me improve from the basics up. They also mentioned one day that we were going to play out of our “comfort zone” it sounded a tad scary at first but I’m happy they pushed us because it was the motivation we needed if we ever wanted to improve and become the best we can possibly be. The coaches, hands down, help so much and I wouldn’t be the athlete I am today without them.
D9: Do you or have you had any siblings or other immediate relatives who have played high school sports?
JH: Morgan Huegel- two-time district champ in track in field. First-team Academic All-American, Second-Team Capital One Academic All-American. PSAC Champion Scholar. Zach Huegel- high school wrestling and baseball.