This is a list of score reported to D9Sports.com. If you have a score we don’t have, e-mail us at sports@d9sports.com.
Bradford 11, Warren 0, 6 innings
Punxsutawney 11, Elk County Catholic 4
Clearfield 3, Huntingdon 1
Coudersport 7, Johnsonburg 0
Oswayo Valley 10, Cameron County 0, 5 innings
Otto-Eldred at Northern Potter, ppd to April 18
DuBois Central Catholic 17, Clarion-Limestone 2, 4 innings
Oswayo Valley 4, Cameron County 0
DuBois 9, Elk County Catholic 3
Kane at Brookville, ppd to April 15
Otto-Eldred at Northern Potter, ppd to April 18
West Shamokin at Redbank Valley, Cancelled
Sheffield at Eisenhower, ppd to TBA