The District 9 Committee held the April 27, 2016 meeting at Aiello’s Café in Ridgway, PA. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Jim Manners. The following members were present: Brock Benson, Bud Brennen, Randy Cathcart, Roger Collins, Kevin Doverspike, Tony Flint, Sandi Hanes, Bill Howard, Jim Manners, Dave Osborne, Aaron Straub, Bob Tonkin, Bill Vassallo, Tim Walter, and Bonnie Wolbert.
-A motion was made by Roger Collins and seconded by Randy Cathcart to approve the minutes of the February 9, 2016 meeting. The motion carried unanimously.
-A motion was made by Sandi Hanes and seconded by Randy Cathcart to approve the February, March, and April treasurer’s reports. The motion carried unanimously.
-Accounts receivable were reviewed.
-Financial reports were presented for all District 9 winter sports.
-The annual District 9 Audit Meeting will be on July 12, 2016 at the Showers Field Complex in Dubois.
-A letter was received from Dubois Area High School reporting a violation. While setting up for the District 9 Team Wrestling Tournament some junior high school wrestlers practiced with the varsity wrestling team. A motion was made by Tony Flint and seconded by Dave Osborne to have Dubois Area High School administration submit a proposal in writing explaining how to prevent a similar situation from occurring in the future. The motion passes with one abstention.
-Chairman Manners gave a summary of the March 2016 Board of Directors meeting.
-There has been no updates on the EEOC complaint filed by a District 9 official.
-A motion was made by Kevin Doverspike and seconded by Bill Vassallo to modify the cooperative sports agreement between Punxsutawney Area High School and Punxsutawney Christian School to include Spirit Competition. The motion carried unanimously.
-A letter was received from the University of Pittsburgh at Bradford outlining their policies when hosting District 9 or PIAA events.
-A motion was made by Randy Cathcart and seconded by Tim Walter to grant an additional semester of eligibility to a Brockway Area High School student. The motion carried unanimously.
GOLF:The following are the dates and sites for the 2016 – 2017 District 9 Golf Tournaments: Boys Tournament – September 26 and October 1 at Bavarian Hill Country Club; Girls Tournament – October 3 at Punxsutawney County Club
BASKETBALL:Any concerns about the method of seeding must be submitted in writing to Jim Manners.
BASEBALL and SOFTBALL:Information concerning the 2015 – 2016 tournaments will be email at the end of the week. The last day to enter the tournament will be May 18th.
BOYS VOLLEYBALL:The District 9 volleyball team will participate in a sub-regional tournament with teams from District 6 and District 10.
FOOTBALL:There will be a football committee meeting prior to the District 9 Committee meeting on June 15th.
The next District 9 Committee meeting will be on June 15, 2016 at Aiello’s Café in Ridgway, PA. The starting time is 9:00.
The 2015 – 2016 District 9 Audit Meeting will be held on July 12th at 9:00 at the Showers Field Complex in Dubois.
A motion was made by Randy Cathcart and seconded by Roger Collins to adjourn. The motion carried unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,
Robert J. Tonkin,
District 9 Secretary
-The following items were discussed by various members of the District 9 Committee:
Election Procedure
Basketball Seeding
Officials and Contests Contracts
-The following items were discussed by Dr. Robert Lombardi, Executive Director of the PIAA, and Mr. Mark Byers, Chief Operating Office, of the PIAA:
Emergency Action Plans
By-Law Changes
Officials’ Union Case
Policy Changes
RFP’s Winter Championships
CIPPE Changes
Coaching Education
Rawlings Footballs
2016 Baseball and Softball Championships
Heat Acclimatization
-Roger Collins, Election Chairman, reviewed the process to run for a position on the district committee.
-The following people were elected to serve on the district committee for the 2016 – 2017 school year: Brock Benson, Randy Cathcart, Mike Erickson, Pete Grecco, Bill Howard, Jim Manners, Dave Osborne, Matt Splain, Aaron Straub, Bill Vassallo, and Tim Walter.
-The following were elected as officials for the 2016 – 2017 school year:
Chairman – Jim Manners
Vice-Chairman – Aaron Straub
Secretary/Treasurer – Bob Tonkin