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April 8, 2017 Baseball and Softball Scores

April 8 baseball and softball results.

Softball/Baseball Recaps


Central-Martinsburg 8, Clearfield 2
Williamson 18, Northern Potter 3
Williamson 15, Northern Potter 1
Cowanesque Valley 5, Oswayo Valley 4, 8 innings
St. Marys 9, Warren 4
Cameron County at Bradford – PPD to May 2
Karns City at Keystone – PPD to TBA


Tyrone 4, Clearfield 2
DuBois Central Catholic 10, Smethport 3
Williamson 17, Northern Potter 7
Williamson 9, Northern Potter 4
Warren 10, St. Marys 0, 6 innings
Karns City at Keystone – PPD to TBA
Bradford at Johnsonburg – April 10 at Bradford