RIDGWAY, Pa. – The District 9 committee held its monthly meeting Aug. 10 in Ridgway.
The following are the minutes from that meeting as supplied to D9Sports.com by the District 9 Committee. No edits have been made to the minutes.
AUGUST 10, 2016
The District 9 Committee held the August 10, 2016 meeting at Aiello’s Café in Ridgway, PA. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Jim Manners. The following members were present: Brock Benson, Bud Brennen, Randy Cathcart, Kevin Doverspike, Mike Erickson, Scott Daum, Peter Grecco, Bill Howard, Jim Manners, Dave Osborne, Aaron Straub, Bob Tonkin, Bill Vassallo, Tim Walter, and Bonnie Wolbert.
A motion was made by Tim Walter and seconded by Randy Cathcart to approve the minutes of the June meeting. The motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Lance Fox, Principal at Moniteau High School, John Stoughton, Athletic Director at Moniteau High, and Ryan Protzman, Track and Field Coach at Moniteau High School, addressed the committee concerning incidents that occurred with two track and field officials at the District 9 “AA” Track and Field Championship Meet. The concerns dealt with the protocol for calling fouls and the lack of communications between officials and the Moniteau coaches and administration. When the District 9 official’s representatives meet with the track and field officials and other sports officials, the concerns of the Moniteau High School administration will be addressed.
A motion was made by Scott Daum and seconded by Tim Walter to approve the June, July, and August treasurer’s reports. The motion carried unanimously.
Accounts receivable and payable were reviewed.
The following adjustments were made to the 2016 – 2017 District 9 Payment Fees:
A motion was made by Bill Howard and seconded by Bud Brennen to increase the officials’ fee for district contests to $80.00 per contest. The motion carried unanimously.
A motion was made by Scott Daum and seconded by Bill Howard to pay line judges at district volleyball matches $65.00. The motion carried unanimously.
A motion was made by Bill Vassallo and seconded by Kevin Doverspike to retain Tom Elling as the District 9 webmaster. The motion carried unanimously.
The report of the annual District 9 audit was presented by Bill Howard and Scott Daum. All District 9 financial accounts were all in order. No recommendations for changing the accounting procedures from the present systems need to be made.
A review of the July 2016 Board of Directors meeting has been emailed to District 9 Schools.
A sub-committee has been appointed to monitor transfers for the 2016 – 2017 school year.
A memo will be sent to schools concerning the length of time to keep student athletic records, game contracts, officials’ contracts, etc.
The same number of wrestlers per weight class will be the same as last season.
The track steering committee and the strategic planning committee will meet in October to consider three classes for track.
Schools and officials assignors must be aware of the PIAA Assignors Contract.
ADMINISTRATIVE: The method to update the District 9 Policy Manual will be a September agenda item.
EEOC Complaint – no results have been provided to the PIAA
A motion was made by Aaron Straub and seconded by Randy Cathcart to approve the 2016 – 2017 District 9 sub-committees and chairpersons’ assignment. The motion carried unanimously.
The District Quick Facts Information will be emailed to principals and athletic directors by August 18th.
The District 9 Passes will be mailed to the District 9 Principals and Athletic Directors on August 13th.
The date to begin the renovation project at Tippin Gym at Clarion University is still not known. The timing of the project will have an impact on District 9 Basketball and Wrestling Championships.
Sports chairs need to update the number of awards for 2016 – 2017. The number of awards may need to be adjusted because of the increase in classes per sport.
A motion was made by Tim Walter and seconded by Bill Howard to present the 2015 – 2016 District 9 Sportsmanship’s Awards to Johnsonburg Area High School and Moniteau High School. The motion carried with one abstention. (Brock Benson)
A motion was made by Scott Daum and seconded by Bud Brennen to table any motion to permit non-elected individuals to serve as sports chairs. The motion carried unanimously. This will be an agenda item for the September committee meeting.
A motion was made by Bill Howard and seconded by Bill Vassallo to eliminate the “Opt Out Clause” in all sports. The motion carried. Voting against the motion were Scott Daum and Bonnie Wolbert.
Calendar Updates were provided for the following sports:
Cross Country – Golf – Soccer – Tennis – Volleyball
Please check your copy of Quick Facts for the dates and tournament information.
A motion was made by Randy Cathcart and seconded by Bill Howard to adopt the following format for the District 9 “A” Football Championship. The motion carried. One no vote – Dave Osborne)
Selection – KSAC – 2 teams based on PIAA Power Rating System, all games played
AML – 4 teams based on PIAA Power Rating System, all games played
AT LARGE – 2 teams based on PIAA Power Rating System, all games played
Seeding: After the 8 entries are determined the PIAA Power Rating System will be used to seed the teams 1 through 8.
All football information will be sent to schools and media by August 18th.
Track and Field
The district committee is investigating combining the “AA” and “AAA” track and field championship meets. A decision will be made at the September committee meeting.
The next District 9 Committee Meeting will be September 19th at Aiello’s Café starting at 9:00 AM.
The meeting adjourned at 2:30 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Robert J. Tonkin, District 9 Secretary