CLARION, Pa. – The Clarion County YMCA Sportsmanship I Basketball All-Star Game Committee in conjunction with D9Sports.com is looking for nominations for the 2018 Sportsperson of the Year in Western Pennsylvania.
(Photo: 2017 Sportsmanship I Sportsperson of the Year, Norbert Baschnagel (left), presented by Ron Kopko, Executive Committee Member. Photo by Paul Burdick. Check out more of Burdick’s work here)
The Sportsperson of the Year award will go to someone who has shown the ideas of sportsmanship throughout his or her career.
The Sportsperson of the Year will be named at the annual YMCA Sportsmanship I District 9 boys’ and girls’ basketball All-Star games being played on April 7 at Keystone High School.
Nominations can be submitted to the Clarion County YMCA, attention Jesse Kelley, Director at jkelley@clarionymca.net or by mail to:
Clarion County YMCA
Attention: Jesse Kelley, Director
15952 Rt. 322
Suite 1 Clarion, PA 16214
Please include the name of the person you are nominating and a short letter explaining why you are nominating them. Letters for this year’s award will be accepted through March 1st.
Previous winners of the Sportsperson of the Year include Norbert Baschnagel, Greg Heath, Aaron Straub, Larry Wiser, Dr. Ron Galbreath, and legends Arnold Palmer and Jerome Bettis among and many others.
For more information on the History of Sportsmanship 1 All-Star Games Sportsmanship in our Society Today please visit www.clarioncountyymca.org/sportsmanship1.