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Clarion’s Mills Named NFF/CHOF Joe Sarra Award Winner for Community Service; Breindel, Jones Earn Scholarships as Well

STATE COLLEGE, Pa. – Clarion’s Archer Mills was honored by the National Football Foundation & College Hall of Fame, Central Pennsylvania Chapter with the prestigious Joe Sarra Award, for community service.

(Photo: The scholarship winners (front row): Kyle Myers, Dylan Arnold, Tommy Friberg, Garrett Becker, Philip Davis, Troy Donlan, Alex D. Breindel. (back row): Mason McVicker, Adam Cecere, Caden Nagle, Bryson Clark, Daniel “Bubba” Slogosky, Micah Delattre, William Archer Andrew Mills)

Mills is the second consecutive Clarion player to win the Sarra Award, which is named in honor of late Penn State football assistant coach Joe Sarra. Nick Cherico claimed the honor in 2018.

In addition, 15 high school student-athletes, including Mills, were awarded $1,000.00 scholarships at the NFF/CHOF. Two additional District 9 athletes were scholarship-award winners with Elk County Catholic’s Alex Breindel and Karns City’s Hunter Jones.

Since initiating the awards banquet in 1998, the Central Pennsylvania Chapter has awarded a total of $248,000.00 in scholarship money while honoring 755 scholar-athletes from high schools located in its 25-county coverage area.

The NFF, Central Pennsylvania Chapter is one of 121 chapters nationwide involving over 12,000 members. The wide reach of the Central Pennsylvania Chapter encompasses 25 counties and 101 high schools.

Founded in 1947 with early leadership from General Douglas MacArthur, legendary Army coach Earl “Red” Blaik and immortal journalist Grantland Rice, The NFF & College Hall of Fame is a non-profit education organization that runs programs designed to use the power of amateur football in developing scholarship, citizenship and athletic achievement in young people.


Drayer Physical Therapy Scholarship Dylan Arnold Bedford Area High School

Abundance Wealth Counselors Scholarship Kyle Myers Bellefonte Area High School

Gardner’s Candies Scholarship Caden Nagle Bellwood-Antis High School

Dalzell Trading Scholarship Mason McVicker Chestnut Ridge High School

Fulton Bank Scholarship Alex D. Breindel Elk County Catholic

PFG Inc. Scholarship Adam Cecere Forest Hills High School

Nittany Media Scholarship Micah Delattre Juniata High School

HRI Inc. Scholarship Garrett Funk Juniata Valley High School

NFF&CHOF Central Pa. Chapter Scholarship Hunter Jones Karns City High School

M&T Bank Scholarship Garrett Becker Mifflinburg Area High School

Stahl Sheaffer Engineering Scholarship Philip Davis Milton Area High School

Central Pa Football Coaches Assoc. Scholarship Bryson Clark Moshannon Valley High School

Bob Mitinger Scholarship Daniel Slogosky Philipsburg-Osceola High School

Citizens & Northern Bank Scholarship Troy Donlan Southern Columbia High School

Jersey Shore State Bank Scholarship Tommy Friberg State College Area High School