Feb. 2 District 9 basketball schedule. Schedule subject to change without notice.
Johnsonburg at Curwensville
Elk County Catholic at Sheffield
D9 League
St. Marys at DuBois
Forest Area at Venango Catholic
Moniteau at Keystone
Karns City at Union
Clarion at Cranberry
Redbank Valley at A-C Valley (Boys’/Girls’ Doubleheader)
North Clarion at Clarion-Limestone (8 p.m. Varsity Start)
Mountain League
Bald Eagle Area at Clearfield
Cameron County at Kane (5:30 p.m. Varsity Start; Doubleheader with girls’ team)
Brockway at Bradford
Ridgway at Smethport
Curwensville at Johnsonburg (No JV)
Sheffield at Elk County Catholic
D9 League
DuBois at St. Marys
Redbank Valley at A-C Valley (Boys’/Girls’ Doubleheader, 6 p.m. Varsity Start)
Cranberry at Clarion
Union at Karns City
Keystone at Moniteau
Clarion-Limestone at North Clarion
Mountain League
Clearfield at Bald Eagle Area
North Tier League
Austin at Oswayo Valley (6 p.m. No JV)
Otto-Eldred at Cameron County
Galeton at Port Allegany
Smethport at Coudersport
Bucktail at Northern Potter
Ridgway at Brookville
DuBois Central Catholic at Kane (8:30 p.m.; Doubleheader with boys’ team)