Numbers refer to the latest Laurel Eye Clinic power ratings:
Brockway at Sheffield
9 DuBois Central Catholic at 16 Johnsonburg
1 Ridgway at Kane
District 9 League
15 Bradford at 13 Brookville
2 Elk County Catholic at 14 St. Marys, ppd.
17 Moniteau at Karns City
A-C Valley at Keystone
North Clarion at 19 Clarion
4 Cranberry at Forest Area
Mountain League
Penns Valley at 3 Clearfield, ppd. TBA
11 Union at Tidioute Charter
Moshannon Valley at Curwensville
Johnsonburg at 20 DuBois Central Catholic
14 Kane at Ridgway
Sheffield at 19 Brockway
District 9 League
9 Brookville at Bradford
Clarion-Limestone at 10 Venango Catholic, ppd. TBA
Forest Area at Cranberry
2 Keystone at 12 A-C Valley
1 Karns City at 6 Moniteau
4 Clarion at 11 North Clarion
North Tier League
5 Port Allegany at Northern Potter
18 Smethport at Austin
Galeton at 15 Cameron County
13 Otto-Eldred at Oswayo Valley
Mountain League
Clearfield at Penns Valley, ppd. TBA
Hollidaysburg at 3 Punxsutawney