Click here to Listen to Karns City/Sharon (airtime 6:30 p.m.) • Click here to Listen to Clarion/Chestnut Ridge (airtime 7 p.m.)
SHIPPENVILLE, Pa. (EYT) – It’s a two-for-one special in the Kerle Tire KSAC Football Game of the Week this week, as we bring you a pair of PIAA playoff games Friday night with Clarion playing Chestnut Ridge in Class 2A and Karns City battling Sharon in Class 3A.
Airtime for Kerle Tire Pregame Show for the Karns City/Sharon game from Clarion University’s Memorial Stadium is 6:30 p.m.with the game kicking off at 7 p.m., while airtime for the Kerle Tire Pregame Show for the Clarion/Chestnut Ridge game from Windber High School is at 7 p.m. with kickoff set for 7:30 p.m.
Dustin Kifer and Bob “The Governor” Dunkle will be on the call of the Karns City/Sharon game with Mike Kalinowski and Chris Rossetti bringing the action of the Clarion/Chestnut Ridge contest.
Fans can listen to the game live on as well as with the ExploreRadio/ExploreClarion app (fans should click on the ExploreRadio feed on the app for the Karns City/Sharon game and the ExploreClarion feed on the app for the Clarion/Chestnut Ridge game). Fans who don’t already have the app can download it for both Apple and Android.
The following local sponsors have signed on to make this year’s Kerle Tire KSAC Game of the Week possible: