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Listen Live: ExploreClarion Radio Broadcasting 3 of 4 A Semifinal Games Wed. Night

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Explore Clarion Radio will broadcast three of the four District 9 Class A semifinal games Wednesday night with both girls’ games (Keystone vs. Coudersport and Elk County Catholic vs. North Clarion) and one of the boys’ games (ECC vs. Union) being streamed.

Fans can listen to the game live on (links to each game will be provided on the site) or by downloading our brand new app for Apple and Android (Click on exploreClarion Radio for the Keystone vs. Coudersport game – right button on the app – and Explore Radio for the ECC/North Clarion and ECC/Union games -left button on app).

Game times with air times are as follows:

Girls – Keystone vs. Coudersport – 5:30 p.m. air time, 6 p.m. game time

Girls – North Clarion vs. ECC – 5:30 p.m. air time, 6 p.m. game time

Boys – Union vs. ECC – Game time will be approximately 20 minutes following conclusion of ECC/North Clarion girls’ game. We will just stay on the air following the NC/ECC game.





