Complete meet results can be found here
BROOKVILLE, Pa. – Brookville’s Ryan Thrush and Moniteau’s Maura Kimmel were the Clint Puller Memorial MVP winners at the DeMans Team sports Invitational Saturday at Brookville.
Thrush won the boys’ MVP award by winning the 400-meter dash (50.74) and 800-meter run (2:00.02) and anchoring the winning 4×400-meter relay team (3:37.17), which also consisted of Josh Keesecker, Cole Aaron and John Matheny.
Kimmel took home girls’ MVP honors by winning both the discus and the shot put. She set the meet record in the discus with a toss of 139 feet, 3 inches, which was nearly nine feet longer than the previous mark, and also tossed the shot put 42 feet, 3 ½ inches.