ST. MARYS, Pa. – Over $10,000 was raised Friday night in support of the Kline/Cherry family at St. Marys High School when the Dutch hosted Elk County Catholic in a D9 League matchup.
Two members of the family perished Thursday in a house fire in Fox Township including 44-year old Rhonda Kline and 15-year old Adam Cherry, a student at St. Marys High School and the brother of St. Marys girls’ basketball player Jenna Cherry, a senior.
According to Tony Azzato, St. Marys baseball coach, the school asked for donations instead of charging admission at Friday night’s game and the 50/50 was donated to the family as well including the winners portions which was donated back.
“The Lady Dutch hoops did a ‘Miracle Minute’ at halftime where the players ran through the stands with donation cans and made $2,000 just in that minute,” Azzato told D9Sports.com in an e-mail.
St. Marys is planning on doing the same thing at Saturday’s girls’ basketball game vs. Elk County Catholic.
Anyone interested in helping the family is asked to go to the crowd-funding page set up at https://www.givesendgo.com/familyfire.
Read story on the fire via the Associated Press and via WJAC-TV.