D9Sports.com/EYT Media is doing a series of player profiles on returning high-school athletes this summer. The year in school listed by the athlete is the year the athlete is entering this fall.
(Submitted photo)
Daughter of: Kimsoy Rudder and Damian Rudder
Sports Played: Volleyball, basketball, track & field (in co-op with Oil City)
Family Members Playing/Played Sports: Her younger twin sister both play volleyball and one of the twins also does track and field
2018-19 Highlights: She was named the team MVP in volleyball
Post-High School Plans: She plans to go off to Pittsburgh for college, the college she is attending has not yet been decided. She plans to get a bachelor’s degree in Biology and see where life takes her for her masters. Her main goal is to have a career in Research Biology and specialize in Cancer Research. She also plans to play volleyball throughout college.
Q&A With Chenoa Rudder
D9Sports: What is your favorite sport to participate in and why?
CR: Volleyball has always been my favorite sport because it makes me happy. Playing volleyball is a way for me to let out whatever pent up emotions or energy I have and just leave it out on the court. I have played volleyball for six years and next year will be my seventh, so it has been in my life for a very long time. I moved to Franklin, Pa. in the middle of 10th grade and getting back into volleyball definitely helped me through that time in my life.
D9Sports: What is your favorite memory, moment, game from playing high school sports?
CR: My favorite memory and game was the last game of the 2018-19 season and was the first game the points went past 25, and even though we lost, it gave me and my team hope for the next season.
D9Sports: Why do you play high school sports?
CR: I play high school sports because it helps keep me in shape, and I have always loved sports from a very young age.
D9Sports: Who has had the most influence on your athletic career and why?
CR: My parents and my family have the most influence on my athletic career because they support me in every sport I have played and they have pushed me to be the best athlete I can be and do everything to the best of my abilities.
D9Sports: If you could change one thing about high school sports, what would it be and why?
CR: Based on experience, I don’t want to change anything about high school sports. I have never had a problem with the way in which high school sports have been conducted.
D9Sports: If you could be president for a day, what would be the one major thing you would do?
CR: If I was president for a day, I would use my power to help strengthen the education system.
D9Sports: What is your ideal place to live? County, City, Suburb? Why?
CR: The ideal place to live would be the suburbs because you can have a mixture of city life and rural life.
D9Sports: What would someone who doesn’t know you be surprised to find out about you?
CR: Some people may be surprised that I can sing and play the piano. And I have a love for Disney movies, Winnie the Pooh and more and I have a very childish side.
D9Sports: What is your strongest subject in school?
CR: My strongest subject in school Math.
D9Sports: If there was one period in history or one event in history you could go back to, what would it be?
CR: If I could go to a period in history I would go to the time in which Alexander Hamilton lived.
D9Sports: What question do you wish I would have asked you? And what is the answer to it?
CR: One question I wish you would have asked me is where I am from and how I ended up in Franklin, Pa. The answer is that I am from the island of Trinidad in the country of Trinidad and Tobago. I have moved a lot in my life and before I moved here I lived on the island of St. Thomas in the U.S. Virgin Islands for seven years. I ended up here because the island was hit by two Category 5 hurricanes, Hurricane Irma being the worst. My dad, who worked in the Cancer Center there, had to find a new job due to his old building being damaged.