D9Sports.com/EYT Media is doing a series of player profiles on returning high-school athletes this summer. The year in school listed by the athlete is the year the athlete is entering this fall.
(Photo by Kyle Yates www.facebook.com/YatesPhoto)
Son of: Kevin and Jackie Himes
Sports Played: Football, Basketball, Baseball
Family Members Playing/Played Sports: His Mom did track & field, softball and basketball. His dad played baseball, football and basketball.
2017-18 Highlights: He had his junior season cut short by an ACL injury. He did play in nine football games catching 18 passes for 327 yards and six touchdowns while also going 2-for-2 passing for 24 yards and rushing for seven yards on two carries. On defense, he made 18 tackles and had an interception.
Post-High School Plans: He would like to attend college and receive his Doctorate in Physical Therapy, and he is still deciding between three schools.
Q&A With Colby Himes
D9Sports: What is your favorite sport to participate in and why?
CH: Without a doubt, baseball. It has been my passion since I was three years old. I love the game with all my heart. This game has given me many great times over years. Along with this, it has shown me many tough defeats, and this is the great glory of the game.
D9Sports: What is your favorite memory, moment, game from playing high school sports?
CH: My most memorable game ever was my freshman year in baseball when I almost hit two balls out of Pullman Park against Moniteau. But the most fun game I have ever played in high school was our football game against Brookville. We were extremely shorthanded and our starters pretty much played the whole game both ways. Despite this we managed to score 52 points.
D9Sports: Why do you play high school sports?
CH: I play sports because I love competing against others to see how successful your team and oneself and can be against competition. Along with this, I love the great memories, but also the lessons that you are taught from the game. These valuable lessons are things I try to pass down to the young generations.
D9Sports: Who has had the most influence on your athletic career and why?
CH: My Father. He has pushed me so hard to be the best player I can be. When I was a kid we would go to the baseball field and I would take probably three hundred swings of BP a day (Now he really doesn’t have much of an arm anymore). He would hit me many ground balls and fly balls in the hundred degrees heat of July. Along with this, we would always play our fair share of one on ones in basketball, and he would always throw me tons of passes with the football. From this, I was taught two great things. One, to always work hard at what you do and greats opportunities will come your way. Second to treat others with the highest line of respect and keep yourself grounded while having confidence in yourself. I reflect on these great memories and see how he has ruined his body athletically to allow me to be successful. Your sacrifice is something that I am ready to give to my kids. Along with this, I would like to thank my Mom for keeping everything in line for us and making it all possible.
D9Sports: Do you remember the first sport you played and did you like it right away or did it grow on you?
CH: Baseball. I loved baseball from a very young age. I started playing catch at the age of three, and my first memories of watching baseball come from watching the Pittsburgh Pirates and the Boston Red Socks star outfielder Manny Ramirez.
D9Sports: Do you have a favorite number for a uniform? If so, what is the story behind that number?
CH: In my childhood, I always loved the number 7. When I made the Clarion Little League All-Star 10u Team when I was nine I finally got the opportunity to wear the number 7. From here on out I have pretty much wore the number 7 for everything. The only times I didn’t is because it was unavailable. Now there are many little ones that are wearing the 7 because it was my number/ jersey. It makes me happy to see the popularity of the number grow and knowing that my name and 7 is connected.
D9Sports: What would someone who doesn’t know you be surprised to find out about you?
CH: That I am a 4.5 GPA student from last school year and love health and the sciences.
D9Sports: If you could eat dinner with anyone famous (living or dead) who would it be and why?
CH: The greatest hitter of all time, Tony Gwynn. I would love to talk hitting with him and pick his mind on all this launch angle stuff. I would want to hear his great stories, and the best way to bring the new style in with the old style of hitting.
D9Sports: Iphone or Android or Neither and why?
CH: iPhone. I like my emojis
D9Sports: What is your go-to Social Media and why?
CH: Snapchat for communications, but Instagram for keeping up with everyone.
D9Sports: What do you like most about high school and why?
CH: The Opportunity- You get the opportunity to find what your loves and passions are in life and this gives great deals of happiness.
D9Sports: What do you like least about high school and why?
CH: The Drama- There are are many snakes and it’s hard to stay away from all the drama.
D9Sports: What question do you wish I would have asked you? And what is the answer to it?
CH: What is a quote that you enjoy or live by. – Good things come to those who wait.