D9Sports.com/EYT Media is doing a series of player profiles on returning high-school athletes this summer. The year in school listed by the athlete is the year the athlete is entering this fall.
(Submitted photo)
Son of: Steve and Staci Brown
Sports Played: Golf, basketball, baseball
Family Members Playing/Played Sports: Brother, Marcus, played basketball, baseball, and golfs . Brother, Hayden, plays basketball and golfs.
2018-19 Highlights: Averaged 10.1 ppg for the Red Raiders in basketball including a season-high 22 points vs. Kane and was named the Defensive Player of the Year for his team. In golf, he was a North Penns Woods League All-Star
Post-High School Plans: He plans on attending a college majoring in biology. He wants to pursue a career in the medical field, and he would love to play sports if the opportunity is there.
Q&A With Dino Brown
D9Sports: What is your favorite sport to participate in and why?
DB: Basketball is my favorite to participate in because I love the intensity of the game and I get to play with my best friends.
D9Sports: What is your favorite memory, moment, game from playing high school sports?
DB: My favorite memory from high school sports wad playing Vincentian Academy in state playoffs my sophomore year.
D9Sports: Why do you play high school sports?
DB: I play high school sports because I love to compete. Sports push me to do well in the classroom and they keep me in shape physically.
D9Sports: Who has had the most influence on your athletic career and why?
DB: My parents have had the most influence on my athletic career. They have always supported me by taking me to my AAU games and being at every high school game. Coach Guido, my high school basketball coach, has always pushed me in practices and games. My travel baseball coach, Jerico Weitzel, has also had a great influence on my athletic career.
D9Sports: If you could change one thing about high school sports, what would it be and why?
DB: If I could change one thing about high school basketball I would put in a shot clock.
D9Sports: If you could be president for a day, what would be the one major thing you would do?
DB: If I was president for a day, I would give public schools the same opportunities as private schools.
D9Sports: What is your ideal place to live? County, City, Suburb? Why?
DB: I would like to live in the city because of all the activities and opportunities.
D9Sports: What would someone who doesn’t know you be surprised to find out about you?
DB: I am a black belt in Tang Soo Do.
D9Sports: What is your strongest subject in school?
DB: My strongest subject in school is definitely Science.
D9Sports: If there was one period in history or one event in history you could go back to, what would it be?
DB: I would’ve loved to be alive in the 80s and 90s, so I could watch the best era of basketball.
D9Sports: What question do you wish I would have asked you? And what is the answer to it?
DB: I wish you would’ve asked me about extracurricular activities. I am the president of the student council. Also, I am in the National Honor Society, Business Honor Society and Spanish Honor Society.