D9Sports.com/EYT Media is doing a series of player profiles on returning high-school athletes this summer. The year in school listed by the athlete is the year the athlete is entering this fall.
(Submitted photo. Photo by Mel Thrush Photography)
Son of: Scott and Christa Park (Dad is head football coach at Brookville)
Sports Played: Football and Wrestling.
Family Members Playing/Played Sports: Scott Park played football and wrestling. Matt Park played football, wrestling and did track. Brothers Cabe and Gavin each played football and wrestled.
2018-19 Highlights: Helped Brookville to the District 9 team title at both dual meet and individual championships in wrestling and to a fourth-place finish at the dual-meet championship … In football, was second on the team with 79 tackles while recording one sack and causing a fumble.
Post-High School Plans: He plans to attend a college and get a degree in Kinesiology
Q&A With Elliot Park
D9Sports: What is your favorite sport to participate in and why?
EP: Wrestling because you gotta love the ups and downs.
D9Sports: What is your favorite memory, moment, game from playing high school sports?
EP: 2018 Bradford football game (winning 69-60)
D9Sports: Why do you play high school sports?
EP: To be honest I don’t know, sports is just how I grew up.
D9Sports: Who has had the most influence on your athletic career and why?
EP: Andy Viglione … he’s like a father to me and always keeps pushing me to be better in every aspect.
D9Sports: If you could change one thing about high school sports, what would it be and why?
EP: Shot clock in basketball … not shooting is boring to watch.
D9Sports: If you could be president for a day, what would be the one major thing you would do?
EP: If I was president I would give every school enough money for turf fields.
D9Sports: What is your ideal place to live? County, City, Suburb? Why?
EP: Anywhere by a beach.
D9Sports: What would someone who doesn’t know you be surprised to find out about you?
EP: I have Fanny pack and sticker addiction.
D9Sports: What is your strongest subject in school?
EP: Science
D9Sports: If there was one period in history or one event in history you could go back to, what would it be?
EP: I would go back to the 80’s or 90’s.
D9Sports: What question do you wish I would have asked you? And what is the answer to it?
EP: What are you excited for this upcoming sports seasons and the answer to that is Week 7.