D9Sports.com/EYT Media is doing a series of player profiles on returning high-school athletes this summer. The year in school listed by the athlete is the year the athlete is entering this fall.
(Photo by Jared Bakaysa of JB Graphics. See more of Bakaysa’s work here)
Son of: Larry Prosper and April Prosper
Sports Played: He played baseball last year and plans on playing baseball and basketball this year.
Family Members Playing/Played Sports: His dad played baseball in high school at DuBois
2017-18 Highlights: Garrett helped DCC to the District 9 Class 1A baseball title by hitting .338 with three doubles and a team-high 21 RBIs. He added 19 runs scored and five stolen bases. On the mound, he appeared in five games with a 3.50 ERA. He struck out 11 in eight innings of work. He was named an AL All-Star at first base.
Post-High School Plans: He plans to attend college (he isn’t sure where yet) and continue to play baseball. He plans on studying Psychology, getting married once out of school and raising a beautiful family.
Q&A With Garrett Prosper
D9Sports: What is your favorite sport to participate in and why?
GP: My favorite sport is and always has been baseball. There is just something about the feeling of squaring a ball up or striking someone out that doesn’t compare to anything else in the world.
D9Sports: What is your favorite memory, moment, game from playing high school sports?
GP: My favorite memory/game was beating Oswayo Valley to win the District 9 championship this year.
D9Sports: Why do you play high school sports?
GP: I play high school sports for many reasons. Mainly because of the bond that you create with your teammates though. Bonds like that last a lifetime.
D9Sports: Who has had the most influence on your athletic career and why?
GP: Many people have had important influences on my athletic career. If I had to pick one though it would have to be my head coach Adam Fox. He just started coaching us this year, but I’ve been working with him for a few years now. He’s taught me that there is so much more to baseball than just good mechanics. It’s all about the approach you have stepping up to the plate or stepping on the rubber. He’s also taught me to believe in myself and to always have confidence no matter what the situation is.
D9Sports: Do you remember the first sport you played and did you like it right away or did it grow on you?
GP: The first sport I played was baseball. I’m not quite sure if I liked it a ton at first. I sort of just liked to hit the ball. However, as time has gone on my love for this sport has grown exponentially.
D9Sports: Do you have a favorite number for a uniform? If so, what is the story behind that number?
GP: My favorite number to use for uniforms is 16. That comes from my good friend and former DCC graduate Phil Myers. He wore it through high school and when it came time for me to pick a jersey I went with his. Ever since then this has always been the number I prefer.
D9Sports: What would someone who doesn’t know you be surprised to find out about you?
GP: Someone who doesn’t know me very well would probably be surprised to know that I am a pretty decent singer and that I spend a lot of my free time singing
D9Sports: If you could eat dinner with anyone famous (living or dead) who would it be and why?
GP: If I could eat dinner with anyone I would have to go with the late great Johnny Cash. I’ve enjoyed his music ever since I was a little kid, and I feel like he’d be an interesting person to sit down and have a meal with.
D9Sports: Iphone or Android or Neither and why?
GP: iPhone mainly because I’ve never used anything else.
D9Sports: What is your go-to Social Media and why?
GP: My go to social media is Twitter. I enjoy the fact that you can retweet others things. Also, unlike Instagram, you can just post a couple sentences and you don’t need a picture to accompany it.
D9Sports: What do you like most about high school and why?
GP: The thing I like most about my high school would have to be the people I go to school with. I’ve made friends who I believe I will stay friends with for the rest of my life.
D9Sports: What do you like least about high school and why?
GP: The thing I like least about high school is probably the pressure and stress. There is so much pressure (especially on upperclassmen) to go to the right college, to get good SAT scores, and maintain a good GPA. Sometimes I feel like it can be a little overwhelming.
D9Sports: What question do you wish I would have asked you? And what is the answer to it?
GP: I wish you would’ve asked me what some of my other hobbies are beside playing sports. I would’ve responded with singing, hunting, fishing, and playing some video games here and there.