D9Sports.com/EYT Media is doing a series of player profiles on returning high-school athletes this summer. The year in school listed by the athlete is the year the athlete is entering this fall.
(Submitted photo. Photo by LuNeda Troutman)
Daughter of: LuNeda Troutman and Greg Troutman
Sports Played: Soccer
Family Members Playing/Played Sports: Her brother, Jacob Troutman, played varsity football and he wrestled for Clarion. Her sister, Kearston Troutman, was a varsity cheerleader and participated in track and field.
2018-19 Highlights: She was a team captain in 2018 and was named the team MVP and a U.A.V.S.L. All-Star
Post-High School Plans: After high school, she plans to attend college and major in biology. She would love to play soccer while furthering her education and beginning her career.
Q&A With Lauren Troutman
D9Sports: What is your favorite sport to participate in and why?
LT: My favorite sport to participate in is soccer, of course, because I am able to meet new people at just about every game or practice, and because I am able to get a full-body workout any time we play.
D9Sports: What is your favorite memory, moment, game from playing high school sports?
LT: One of my favorite memories from playing soccer in high school was the last game of my Junior year against Punxsutawney. I scored a hat trick during that game, making one of the goals from midfield. (roughly about a 50-yard shot)
D9Sports: Why do you play high school sports?
LT: I mainly play high school sports because it’s a little getaway from the academics and it helps with time management as well.
D9Sports: Who has had the most influence on your athletic career and why?
LT: My parents have had a huge influence on my athletic career because they constantly encourage me to push myself to do my best and to never stop working. My coach, Chris Schonbachler has also had a huge influence on my athletic career. Chris has helped me reach my full potential on the field over the past years and has helped me become a much better player.
D9Sports: If you could change one thing about high school sports, what would it be and why?
LT: If I could change one thing about high school sports, I would change the availability of the sports. It would be awesome to have practices or some type of clinics affiliated with the school to help get more students involved in sports they might be interested in and to help keep the committed players on their toes and involved.
D9Sports: If you could be president for a day, what would be the one major thing you would do?
LT: If I could be president for a day, I would invite all of my friends to the White House and just enjoy all of their indoor sports facilities and attempt to meet all of the famous people that we want.
D9Sports: What is your ideal place to live? County, City, Suburb? Why?
LT: My ideal place to live would most likely be the suburbs because you’re not too close or too far away from other people but you still have enough land and space of your own to do as you please.
D9Sports: What would someone who doesn’t know you be surprised to find out about you?
LT: Someone that doesn’t know me would probably be surprised to find out that I really enjoy gardening and working outside.
D9Sports: What is your strongest subject in school?
LT: My strongest subject in school, other than art, band and choir, would have to either be English or math.
D9Sports: If there was one period in history or one event in history you could go back to, what would it be?
LT: One period in history that I would go back to would probably be the 1950s because that’s when the first women’s soccer league was organized in the United States.
D9Sports: What question do you wish I would have asked you? And what is the answer to it?
LT: Q: Who is your biggest competitors in your high school sport and why? A: For Clarion varsity girls soccer, our biggest competitors would have to be Karns City because they always have such a large team compared to us and they show no mercy. In the past, Clarion soccer has been defeated by Karns City pretty harshly and I think that we get into our own heads and tell ourselves that we won’t win because of past performances.