Numbers indicate latest Laurel Eye Clinic power ratings BOYS North Tier League Otto-Eldred 69, Austin 28 Non-League 13 North Clarion 58,...
Numbers indicate latest Laurel Eye Clinic power rating BOYS District 9 League 2 Elk County Catholic 56, Bradford 44 14 DuBois...
BOYS KSAC 10 Cranberry 59, 13 North Clarion 51 15 Venango Catholic 76, Forest Area 43 9 Redbank Valley 73, A-C...
Numbers indicate latest Laurel Eye Clinic power rating BOYS KSAC 20 Moniteau 58, 8 Karns City 57, OT 1 Clarion-Limestone 96,...
E-mail any score with no report to or tweet us @D9sports BOYS KSAC North Clarion 59, Clarion 41 Moniteau 55,...
BOYS AML Curwensville 84, Kane 65 D9 League Brookville 45, Bradford 34 2 Elk County Catholic 73, 17 St. Marys 41...
Numbers refer to latest Laurel Eye Clinic power ratings BOYS AML 6 DuBois Central Catholic 70, Curwensville 45 North Tier League...
Numbers refer to latest Laurel Eye Clinic Power ratings BOYS KSAC Keystone 43, A-C Valley 30 12 Karns City 55, 11...
Numbers refer to latest Laurel Eye Clinic power ratings BOYS AML 16 Brockway 43, Kane 38 Sheffield 52, Curwensville 43 District...
Numbers are the latest Laurel Eye Clinic power rating BOYS Non-League 20 Port Allegany 49, Kane 44 Forest Area at Union,...