This is a list of score reported to D9Sports.com. If you have a score we don’t have, e-mail us at sports@d9sports.com.
A-C Valley 1, Redbank Valley 0, 8 innings
DuBois Central Catholic 18, Cameron County 1, 5 innings
St. Marys 4, Curwensville 1
Karns City 11, Union 2
Moniteau 15, Keystone 0, 3 innings
Venango Catholic at Forest Area, PPD to April 11
Clarion at Cranberry, PPD to April 8 (Tentative)
Redbank Valley 12, A-C Valley 6
Huntingdon 4, Clearfield 3
Freeport 8, Karns City 2
Moniteau 10, Grand Valley (Ohio) 0, 5 innings
Venango Catholic at Forest Area, PPD to April 11